5 Tips for Packing up your Classroom

Are you moving school districts or classrooms? Packing up can be overwhelming. Let’s work together to pack up your classroom in a snap!

1. Use Sturdy Boxes

In this paragraph, I’m going to explain why choosing the right packing box matters when packing up your classroom. I cannot stress this point enough! After moving schools twice, I have learned from my mistakes. The first time I moved buildings our entire school was being demolished, which meant every teacher was packing up their room. Boxes were in short supply, and being a new teacher I was left to pack with those flimsy banana boxes that your local grocery store might have. I found myself using miles of tape just to keep the boxes together. Now, I know better. My favorite kind of box to pack in is paper boxes. If you know that you are moving hoard those boxes like candy!

2. Pack to Organize

So you have the right boxes to pack in, now what? First you need to think about how items are categorized. For example, I like to pack all of my reading materials together. The same goes for math, writing, science, social studies, etc. My first time around I packed to fill boxes to the brim. Great idea if your are trying to use less boxes, not so great when you get to the unpacking part on the other end. I had 63 disorganized boxes on the other end, and it took me DAYS to get unpacked and feeling like I had my feet on the ground. My second time around I had 70 boxes, but the unpacking took half the time because I spent less time trying to figure out where everything should go.

3. Be Sensible

When packing your boxes it is also important to consider the weight of the box and who is moving them. Both times I have moved it has been myself and my husband moving the boxes. I can remember trying to lift a box that I had filled to the brim with textbooks…let’s just say that when I wen to put it in the car I felt like my back was about to give out. From this experience I learned to make the weight of the boxes manageable, not just for myself or my husband, but also any other staff members that might help with the move.

4. Label, Label, Label

You have your boxes. Check. You packed them packed up based on subject. Check. You should be ready to go, right? Wrong. Depending on how your boxes are getting moved, labeling is an all important factor. Once the box is packed up, the first thing you should do is put your name on the top. Next bullet point what is inside of the box. Finally, number the box starting with one and working your way up with each box you pack. Once you are in your new classroom you can check to make sure all of your boxes have arrived. Plus, if you are an overachiever like me, you might even want to make a master list of each box number and what is inside of it. That way, if any boxes are missing, you can know what you are looking for or need to replace.

5. Create a Checklist

As you go along, packing up your classroom, you will undoubtedly come across situations you have not planned for. First off, do NOT panic. Second off, come up with a plan. For me I find it easiest to decide how to attack the problem and either handle it right away, or I put it on a checklist so that I do not forget about it. For example, say your are packing up your classroom while you are still teaching, you may not be able to pack your guided reading cart until after the school year has ended. Write yourself a reminder to pack it up, and what you will be packing it with. Another example might be that your administrators have different tasks they need you to complete before officially moving out. It is so important you do not forget these tasks. My school had me write down anything that needed fixed in my room over the summer for the new teacher moving in. While this did not impact me, I wanted to leave on a good note and set the new teacher up for success!

Now using these 5 tips for packing up your classroom, you are all set to begin! Best wishes to you on your new adventures!

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