Let's get shopping!

Come check out some of the most helpful resources to use in your classroom.

Let's get shopping!

Come check out some of the most helpful resources to use in your classroom.


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Below are some of my favorite teaching resources that I have created for Teachers Pay Teachers. I have also provided a decription of why I felt called to create them for teachers like you!

A Little Spot of Kindness

To use this resource, any kindness book can be used, however I highly encourage you to purchase the book by Diane Alber.

My reasoning for creating this resource is to help teachers encourage kindness in the classroom. I think as teachers we see more and more of the challenges kids are facing these days. While we cannot change all of the bad, we can certainly encourage the good. There are several interactive activities including a craft and different scenarios where students can come up with ways to show kindness if they encountered something similar.

Same, Same But Different

Building and creating a strong culture within the classroom is so important.  The book, Same, Same But Different, opens the door to have valuable conversations with students.  Your students are naturally curious about what makes them special and unique, so it is time we celebrate it together!  The different activities included focus on comprehension of the story, but also allow for students to write to pen pals and share their differences that make them special!

Progress Monitoring Fluency and Comprehension

As teachers we hear that we need to collect data to assess student learning and determine next steps in our instruction.  However it is important that educators have the right progress monitoring tool to use.  I find that the best progress monitoring tool is one that is easy to follow and prep, but also one that achieves what your are trying to measure.  In every district I have worked in I find myself collecting the most data in reading fluence and reading comprehension.

I have had experience measuring fluency and comprehension through Dibels, DRA, and BAS, all of which are helpful tools.  However, what should you do if your district does not supply you with a monitoring tool?  Try checking out my year-round first grade fluency passages on Teachers Pay Teachers.  Each passage is set up for a cold, warm, and hot read.  In addition there are different comprehension activities for you to use if you so choose.